Free shipping to Canadian addresses for purchases over $200.00. Prices on all raw/graded singles are negotiable and offers will be considered, please email us at or give us a call at 647-335-8142 if there is a specific item you are interested in .
Free shipping to Canadian addresses for purchases over $200.00. Prices on all raw/graded singles are negotiable and offers will be considered, please email us at or give us a call at 647-335-8142 if there is a specific item you are interested in .
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Peel region is now in the grey zone of the province's tiered reopening framework. This means we can finally open our doors to customers, in addition to curbside pick up.

Protocols remain in place, social distancing practiced, facial coverings/masks required inside store, hand sanitizing upon entrance. 25% occupancy in store.

We look forward to greeting and meeting our customers in person and hope everyone stays safe and continues practicing social distancing and proper hand sanitizing.